Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Fungagement" Is Necessary in Our Classrooms!

The video below was shown at our workshop by the presenter, John Kuglin , in May 2012.
 I think it is so appropriate. What happens when you take the same old thing and make it fun? 
What happens when educators find another way to engage our students? 
And just because something is fun, it doesn't mean it is not useful. 
Let's "fungage" our students, let them enjoy learning. 
I'm not saying 24 hour party in your room,  I'm talking about educational "fun".
It's a different generation, and no matter how much we debate this point, we have to meet them where and how they are.
One thing parents kept saying to me at Open House after seeing the photos of their students, and listening to my presentation, is that my class was exciting!
That's what I try to do everyday, provide enthusiasm for learning!
It doesn't happen all the time, but more often than not, that's what is taking place in my classroom. :)

photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography via photo pin cc

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