Tuesday, June 19, 2018

#8WeeksofSummer Blog Challenge- Week 3-More Student Voice!

This post is week 3 of 8 in the 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge for educators.” 
What is the biggest change you are considering making for your learners in the coming school year? 

Image result for student voice

I was slacking. I have no excuse, I just know I need to do something about it. I am a proponent of student voice, always have been. 

My kids have always participated in Skypes, used Classdojo to tell their stories, tweeted from our class account, (Classrooms only),connected during Global Read Aloud with other classes, participated in projects, etc...

But during the school year that just ended, I felt like I did not do enough to get their voices heard beyond our classroom. There weren't many connections made. 

Was it me? Was it this group of kids? I am not sure. I just know I need to get back on track. We did a Mystery Skype, once. We read the book for Global Read Aloud and only made one connection. We rarely tweeted...:(. I could go on.

So next year, I am going to make sure we go back to having our voices heard outside of our classroom. It is important to me that my students not only share their voice, but make connections with others,and hear their voices too. I want them to know that their voice matters, and that our classroom is not the world.I am even thinking about letting them create a weekly podcast. Really excited about this! (Just.have.to.follow.through...)

I am, no we are, going to connect again, so that their learning is not just taking place in Room 5! This upcoming school year, I will make sure they are given multiple opportunities to connect and share with the world!

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