
Friday, August 10, 2012

The Blog You Have Reached Has Been Disconnected!

Beep..Beep...Beep... Don't panic, it’s only temporary. As a matter of fact it will only be 6 days, 2 hours, and 43 seconds.:) I made the hours and seconds part up.:)

I am going on vacation with my BFF, (that would be hubby), to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. I do not intend to be online on this trip, my hubby expressly forbid it. And forget about "sneaking", each minute on the Net cost $35!

So, of course, I was a little worried about my "babies". My blog, my FB page,Twitter, chats, things I would miss. It's not like I am making money from any of these ventures. Ok, that's not entirely true, I have made approximately $3.00 from my blogs. :) I just love all that comes with it, the writing, the connections, chatting, receiving, and sharing, loads of great information about my passion, teaching.

But today,as I sat under the hairdryer,(have to look cute for the cruise), I came across a post on Zite called, "Catching Moments" , and it gave me pause. 

You know what? I love my hubby more than all that other stuff combined. He is going to have my undivided attention for the next 6 days. And you know what else? I am going to have one or two days out of each week where I disconnect. It's not going to be easy, I know that, but it is necessary.  I will give my undivided attention to my hubby and son. (although he may act like he doesn't need it). 

After I tweeted Chris's post,@dubioseducator responded, “Getting caught up in daily routines, needs & wants we forget to Stop and smell the roses! Whoever & whatever they may be"

I am going to Stop, smell the roses in my "garden", not only for  6 days, 2 hours, and 43 seconds, but for as long as I can!

photo credit: Paul Mayne via photo pin cc
 photo credit: Fierce Fab via photo pin cc

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy! You'll be missed but you deserve a break, as do our spouses from our technology addictions:-)
